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What exactly does Double mean in java? - Stack Overflow
A double is an IEEE754 double-precision floating point number, similar to a float but with a larger range and precision. IEEE754 single precision numbers have 32 bits (1 sign, 8 exponent and 23 mantissa bits) while double precision numbers have 64 bits (1 sign, 11 exponent and 52 mantissa bits).

What is the difference between float and double? - Stack Overflow
Type double, 64 bits long, has a bigger range (*10^+/-308) and 15 digits precision. Type long double is nominally 80 bits, though a given compiler/OS pairing may store it as 12-16 bytes for alignment purposes. The long double has an exponent that just ridiculously huge and should have 19 digits precision.

How do I print a double value with full precision using cout?
A double is a floating point type, not fixed point. Do not use std::fixed as that fails to print small double as anything but 0.000...000. For large double, it prints many digits, perhaps hundreds of questionable informativeness.

Does double have a greater range than long? - Stack Overflow
A simple answer is that double is only accurate to 15-16 total digits, as opposed to long which (as an integer type) has an absolute accuracy within an explicit digit limit, in this case 19 digits. (Keep in mind that digits and values are semantically different.)

What is the difference between "Double" and "double" in Java?
Some thing important to note, is that a complex data-type Double can be null. I often use it when an operation could yield something else than a number, if something is not found, and a null value is required. Else, if a result is mandatory, I do prefer using a primitive double type. –

c++ - Should I use double or float? - Stack Overflow
There are three floating point types: float, double, and long double. The type double provides at least as much precision as float, and the type long double provides at least as much precision as double. So, all three can be the same size in memory. Presence of an FPU.

Reading in double values with scanf in c - Stack Overflow
I found out that there is a problem with the length of double on 32 bit OS, so that you are forced to use scanf("%lf", &f) to read in a double. No matter what I do, second value is always wrong. I use MS VS express 2012 for Desktop on Windows 7 32 bit OS.

methods - Double vs double in java - Stack Overflow
The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object. An object of type Double contains a single field whose type is double." link. As @Fess mentioned and because Double is reference type it can be null. If you want you can explictly convert from Double to double with .doubleValue() method and viceverrsa with new Double(1.0).

What's the difference between a single precision and double precision ...
The term double precision is something of a misnomer because the precision is not really double. The word double derives from the fact that a double-precision number uses twice as many bits as a regular floating-point number. For example, if a single-precision number requires 32 bits, its double-precision counterpart will be 64 bits long.

What is the inclusive range of float and double in Java?
double: The double data type is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Its range of values is beyond the scope of this discussion, but is specified in section 4.2.3 of the Java Language Specification. For decimal values, this data type is generally the default choice.




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